Wednesday, 24 February 2016

What are my plans this BEAR season?


So, BEAR market, I was quite afraid of this at the start because I'm a newbie. As a newbie, I was bounded to make decisions based on my emotions. 

When the STI dropped to 3200, I was heavily shocked. Because I vested when it was at its peak at 3400-3500. I suffered loss of around 6-7% then. And was very emotional, Scared and afraid. Almost sold all of my small holdings. Maybe it was a right choice then? Because STI continued dropped until 2528 at its lowest for this BEAR season so far.

But going on, I calmed down. There are downs, but there are also ups. I just need to be patient. I held on to this thought.

As the STI dropped. I started collecting STI ETF. $3.21 was my first entry point. Then $2.8, then at the recent $2.62. Averaging it down to approx $2.90 per unit @ total units of 1200 currently.

What's my stock pick for this Bear season? STI ETF.
Here are my reasons:
- I have a low budget. Not able to invest in the low $13.xx DBS or $7.xx OCBC. If not at most 100 shares. But STI ETF covers it all.
- Little monitoring required, schooling and working part time gave me little time. Time is precious, I don't have much time to keep monitoring every stock I want to get.
- Diversification easily. Different diversified sectors from STI ETF, from banks to commodities, etc.
- I would want to put Dollar Cost Averaging. But for this Bear Season, I'm not doing that. I'm just preparing my small warchest to buy when it hits certain targets. :)

Thats all for today! Hope you enjoyed my write up.



  1. hello again my young friend,

    may i recommend the following blog so that you can learn and enjoy investing as much as i do,


    ofcos there are others but these 3 are the best so far if you ask me becos they are real and they are good. others i'm not so sure.

  2. Hello! Thanks for your recommendations! I will take a read at their blogs! Seems really informative! Always good to learn from veterans :)
